It's 4:55 a.m. I just finished watching Julia & Julia. Alone. I wasn't really alone. Roxy, my girlfriend's cat, was curled up between my feet. Earlier to/last-night (when does it become the next day if you haven't slept?) I went to a rap show in Plymouth. What an odd series of events. If you don't understand why these were an odd series of events, look into what Julia & Julia is about. Yeah... WTF?
Rachal, my girlfriend (for those of you who don't know her), is currently studying in Costa Rica until January 14th. I miss her. More than I thought I would. It's strange not having her in bed when I get there. No kisses good night, or good morning. No hugs. No calls from her to bust up my shifts at work. No texts...
Not really sure how to blog. I've never been into blogging, reading them or writing them. I hope I'm doing it right. Not really sure what I'm looking to get out of this. They say this is where journalism is going. I don't know if I want to be a journalist or not, but I want to be a writer. There are times that I feel like one, and times that I think I'm fooling myself and everyone around me. Okay, I've felt like a writer once--I think I was revising, or thinking about revising something--and most of the rest of the time I feel like an impostor. But I'm writing this so I must be a writer. Right?
I feel like this is in danger of becoming a blog, so I'm going to stop now. I don't want to seem like I'm self-absorbed... Julia's husband, from Julia & Julia said bloggers are self-absorbed--amongst other adjectives. I don't think I'm self-absorbed, I'm just trying to figure some shit out here. Then again who isn't self-absorbed?
MethodikalMadnz, singing off~5:23 a.m.
Buenas Noches.
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